Smarta Logo


A free, modern 3rd party app for MARTA transit

Hello, Atlanta! We deserve a clean, modern app for viewing MARTA transit information. Introducing Smarta.

Smarta for iPhone

Download Smarta on the App Store

Smarta for Android

Smarta for Android

On desktop? Scan with your iPhone.

Download Sticker Doodle on the App Store
Bus Routes

Bus Routes

Train Lines

Train Lines



System Alerts

System Alerts

Train Map

Train Maps

Bus Map

Bus Maps

Station Details

Station Details

Trip Planner

Arrival Times

Install on iPhone.

Install on Android.

Follow @GetSmartaApp and @jazzychad on Twitter for updates.

Smarta uses analytic data to improve the features and experience in the app. This data cannot be used to identify or track any user.
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